Italian PM Draghi looks doomed after parties snub confidence vote
The Italian government was destroyed on Wednesday when the three main coalition partners of Prime Minister Mario Draghi condemned the voice of the trust he had called to try to end the division and renew their alliances.
Draghi won the voting in a high assembly with 95 to 38 but with many dozens of Senator absent, leaving his 18-month-old government with a tattered with the initial elections in September or October the most possible results.
On the right, Forza Italia and the league parties did not take part in the voting. They joined the Populist 5 Star Movement which was also shunned by the voting, after starting the latest Italian political crisis with a similar boycott last week.
Draghi had submitted his resignation last week, but President Sergio Mattarella refused and told him to go to parliament to see if he could revive the extensive coalition.
Draghi had previously submitted an application for unity and set a series of problems faced by Italy starting from the war in Ukraine to social inequality and price increases.
The only way, if we want to stay together, is to rebuild this pact, with courage, altruism and credibility,” Draghi said in a speechless speech to the senate, adding that many Italians wanted a coalition to continue until the election would be earlier For the beginning earlier for the beginning to arrive at the beginning. next year.
The crisis came at a difficult time for debt Italy, the third largest economy in the Euro zone, where loan costs had increased sharply when the European central bank began to tighten its monetary policy.
European Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni said on Twitter that the “irresponsible” movement against Draghi could cause “perfect storm” and “difficult months in front of” for Italy.
The Head of the Democratic Party of the Left-left of Italy (PD), another coalition party, said that parliament had been contrary to the will of the people,
“Italians will show themselves wiser in the ballot box than their politicians,” wrote PD Enrico Letta’s Head on Twitter.