Proposals for Customs Compliance Framework that are fully without paper for the Special Economic Zone (KEK) are being reviewed by the Center for Taxes and Customs Indirect (CBIC), officials said.
This framework will be in harmony with the new laws proposed by the center to change the KEK into a comprehensive economic center, with a greater state participation and further ease of compliance to attract investment.
A group of new officers’ work submitted a report that identifies detailed reports that can be migrated to ICES (EDI Customs System India) or Indian Customs Electronic Gateway System (Icegate) to create an automatic and smooth customs process. CBIC has identified the process, including submitting incoming bills, filling in a risk -based cargo shipping and checking bill that will be migrated to the ICES system. “We do a very comprehensive review of the part of the touch point between ..
Why shift?
While Customs have done a lot of work easily doing business, KEK units have been expelled from their profits. They don’t use ice. While the basic submission of SEZ Online, there are many contact points in the procedure. Permit must be taken from time to time. KEK must apply for renewal and the goods are checked for most of the time. Business has proposed that all their submissions be transferred to ES. So, whatever benefits flow from ..
In his budget speech, Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman has announced that the Kez Law will be replaced by new laws that will allow the state to become a partner in development.
He also announced that the reform would be carried out in the KEK Customs administration to make it completely encouraged and function in the Customs National Portal, with a focus on higher facilitation and with only risk -based checks. This includes the integration of Icegate with Customs Sez.
Experts say that reforms in this zone customs administration will help increase ease in doing business, promoting growth and increasing exports.
A group of official work was assigned to see the physical touch point between the Customs and KEK unit, changing it to electronic mode and how they could migrate some of the main processes that must be possessed by the KEK unit from the ICES Platform point of view.